Tuesday, November 13, 2007

11/11/07 conversation between grand and joe

JOE: Where's Margaret (Grand's cat)
GRAND: Joe, Margaret died so we won't be able to see her anymore. If we want to see her we'll have to look at pictures.
JOE: Where is she?
GRAND: She's buried under the porch.
JOE: Can I see a picture of her?
GRAND: There's one on the fridge.
JOE: No, one of her after she died.
GRAND: I can understand why you would want to see that, but I didn't take a picture after she died.
JOE: Are you sad?
GRAND: Yeah, I am sad about it.
JOE: Well... It's a good thing I'm here... I'll give you a hug... Because I'm a hero.
GRAND: Thanks, you are a hero.
JOE: I feel sad too.
GRAND: When you feel sad I can give you a hug too to make you feel better.
JOE: That's okay, I can take care of myself.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Joe Goes to the Dentist...

We go back at the end of November to have the three cavities filled.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

New Pictures of the family

on Matthew's birthday

Matthew on the bed at home

Matthew and aunt Joannie

Matthew and Grand

Joseph's artwork: a horse (note the colorful head and myriad legs)

Joseph's artwork: Taking a photo of the rainbow he drew

Joseph and friends go trick-or-treating

Joseph's Halloween costume on display: a red bat

Matthew and proud father


Matthew and proud older brother, Joseph